| Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals
Monthly Digest
December 2024 |
In this edition -
President's corner
- Plan now for 2025 awards program
- NREEF update
- PILD presentation deadline extended
- CAPS conference
- Featured programs and resources
- New ANREP jobs board listings
- New Journal of Extension articles
| President's Corner...
Erika Lyon ANREP President 2024 |
I trust you all enjoyed a delightful Thanksgiving and had the chance to connect with family and friends. It has been a joy getting to know many of you, and I am grateful to be part of an association filled with remarkable individuals who are doing exceptional work in the field of natural resources Extension.
The year has passed quickly, and it's hard to believe that 2025 is just around the corner. As the board undergoes a transition, we are excited to welcome some outstanding new members who will guide ANREP into the future: Katie Brooks (Northeast Regional Representative), Anna Stockstad (Northcentral Regional Representative), Renee Strnad, (Treasurer), and Leslie Boby (President-Elect).
We have made further progress towards the goals of the 2022-2026 strategic plan thanks to our committees. Professional development opportunities continued to be provided throughout the year – for example: -
The Professional and Leadership Development Committee chaired by Holly Campbell put together the ‘Seeding Success’ course online, which is an 8-module course for early career Extension Natural Resource Professionals members aimed at supporting a successful career.
The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) committee continued to offer the Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion course at a discounted price with funds made available from a North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) 360+ grant.
Our biennial conference was held in Hershey, PA this year with 175 participants attending. This year, we had participation from Extension faculty and staff nationwide and from a wide variety of programs outside of our traditional membership. During the conference, the Native Plants Initiative had their first meeting.
If you have not yet taken a look at the ANREP strategic plan, it is available at anrep.org under the resources tab.
A shout out to our outgoing and incoming committee chairs for 2025. Erin Trouba will be leading the DEI committee and Catelyn Turner will be chairing the Awards Committee in 2025. A special thank you to James Hendersen for his leadership with the DEI Committee during its first few years and to Terra Freemen for chairing the Awards Committee and leading the awards ceremony at the conference this year. Speaking of the biennial conference, I would like to thank Jennifer Fetter, Brad Kunsman, Mary Seaton, Danielle Rhea, Genevieve Christ, Justin Mansberger, Katie Brooks, Andy Yencha, Susan Boser, and Penn State University Extension for coordinating an excellent conference in Hershey, PA.
Kevin Zobrist from University of Washington Extension will be taking the helm in the President’s role in 2025. Kevin has had previous experience on the board in a wide variety of roles - You couldn’t be in better hands. Danielle Rhea, Georgia Peterson, Bill Warren, and Chad Cook will be rolling off the board – a big thank you to these four for their leadership over the last few years!
It’s been a pleasure serving you, and I look forward to seeing you all in 2026 in North Carolina! Have a happy holiday season!
Erika |
Plan now to submit 2025 ANREP Awards Program nominations 2025 ANREP Awards Program nominations open on Thursday, January 2, 2025. It's not too early to think about outstanding programs, teams or individuals you would like to submit.
To get ready: - Check out the ANREP Awards page to see past award winners in each category.
Help judge the 2025 ANREP Awards. We need about 30 judges to evaluate this year's award nominations! Please help us with this. Your task will consist of reviewing 1-2 awards categories, and 4-8 award nominations generally over two-three weeks in late March. This is a great opportunity to see what your colleagues around the country are up to while helping out your professional organization. If you are new to ANREP it is also a great way to see how to write up a nomination if you plan to nominate yourself or a colleague in the future. But wait there is more! You can put this as a service position on your CV. Please email Catelyn Turner to get your name on the list. The more judges that sign up, the fewer awards each of us have to review.
- Renew your ANREP membership for 2025. Annual invoices will be sent on December 16 to members who paid their 2024 dues. You can always renew in advance by logging into the ANREP website member area.
Take a look at the official 2025 Awards Program Guide.
Questions? Please contact Catelyn Turner, 2025 ANREP Awards Committee Chair.
| NREEF Exists To Support ANREP by Sanford Smith, NREEF Vice-president
By now most ANREP members have probably heard of The Natural Resources Extension Education Foundation (NREEF). But if you haven’t, here’s what you should know. NREEF is the 501(c)3, (non-profit charitable) organization recently founded by ANREP members to generate, receive, and distribute resources that support and promote “our kind of” Extension educational programs, initiatives, and activities.
Why would someone donate to NREEF? There are many good reasons. Here are three: One, to ensure a strong bright future for natural resources Extension education and support their values regarding conservation and environmental resources management. Two, to establish an endowment or program fund that bears their name or the name of someone they wish to honor in perpetuity. And Three, to provide tax savings for their estate and heirs, while supporting the work and mission that is near and dear to them.
If NREEF is to be successful we need every ANREP member to contribute. Any size gift, small or large, is important and can help us leverage funds from foundations and other organizations. Please contact NREEF if you have any ideas or questions, consider joining our Board of Trustees, and contribute to NREEF today at nreef.org! |
Upcoming professional development opportunities |
Deadline for PILD proposals EXTENDED till Dec. 16
by Daphne Richards and Travis West, PILD Conference Planning Committee Chair and Vice Chair
The Public Issues Leadership Development Conference planning committee is seeking proposals for the 2025 PILD Conference, to be held April 7 and 8, 2025, in Arlington, VA (Washington DC Metro area). RFP details are posted at https://www.jcep.org/pild . This year’s conference theme is YEAR-ROUND IMPACT. PILD is open to all Extension professionals in 1862, 1890, and 1994 institutions, and we invite proposals from a wide array of disciplines that reflect the theme of the conference.
Two types of proposals are being sought: - Posters
- 10-minute Ignite Talks
All proposals must be received by the EXTENDED deadline of 11:59 p.m. (PST), December 16, 2024, at http://go.osu.edu/2025PILD . All proposals will be peer-reviewed; therefore acceptance would be appropriate to list on scholarly vitae. We look forward to you joining us in DC for PILD 2025! Sponsored by: JCEP – Joint Council of Extension Professionals |
Presentation proposals are now being accepted for the 2025 Conference for Advancing Participatory Sciences (CAPS)!
Share your insights, research, experience or new ideas about practices for participatory sciences?the call for individual presentations for the 2025 Conference for Advancing Participatory Sciences (CAPS) is now open.
CAPS is the premiere annual gathering of scholars, practitioners, and facilitators in the field of participatory sciences. This year's event will take place in Portland, Oregon, May 27-30, 2025, and is your opportunity to expand and share your perspectives and skills with the broadest possible audience.
Elevate your own unique contributions at this multi-disciplinary event, where connections with science professionals, engagement specialists, funders, app designers, community leaders, and others can help you focus on and enhance your work in this field. Submit an idea for an individual presentation (Talks and Posters) before January 15th, 2025.
The submission process is quick and we welcome submissions from the many approaches to this work-citizen science, community science, volunteer monitoring, crowdsourced science, and more.
Find submission guidelines and planning tools here.
Questions? Please contact events@citizenscience.org |
| How to Use Cultivars of Native Plants in the Landscape
By Tiare Silvasy, University of Florida IFAS |
Nativars are cultivars of native plants, learn how to use them in the landscape. |
| BMPs for forested riparian area vegetation management
By Kim Ingram, University of California ANR |
Forested riparian area vegetation management calls for creativity and caution, but can be done! |
| MSU's 2024 Conservation Stewards Program is a wrap!
By Georgia Peterson, Michigan State University Extension |
The Michigan Conservation Stewards Program continues to grow into additional locations in the state, including a first time offering in the Upper Peninsula! |
| Resource Exchange Basics of Landscaping in Florida
Plan for future water needs with science-based best practices! This bilingual booklet, side by side in English and Spanish, offers practical best management practices for creating beautiful, sustainable landscapes while conserving water and protecting water quality. |
New postings on the ANREP jobs board |
Articles of interest for natural resource Extension professionals Current Issue: Volume 62, Number 4 (2024) Building Extension Professional’s Capacity to Engage Volunteers: Evaluation of the Developmental Stages of an Extension Professional Model
Kandi O'Neil, Rachelle Vettern, Rebecca Harrington, Sarah Maass, Patricia McGlaughlin, and Josset S. Gauley
The Challenges of Co-Developing Climate-Smart Strategies, Practices, and Technologies among Research and Extension Teams Michelle R. Worosz, Hannah Stewart, McKayla Robinette, Brenda Ortiz, Rishi Prasad, Audrey Gambel, and Leah Duzy Competencies Essential for Early Career 4-H Agent Success Andrew Toelle, Ed Osborne, Nick Place, Hannah Carter, and Dale Pracht
Assessing the Influence of 4-H Participation on the Development of Workforce Readiness Skills Jodi L. Smith, Jamie Mullins, Lisa Ingram, Brenda Pruett, Allison Nichols, Carole Scheerbaum, Lorrie Wright, and Amanda Johnson Removing Barriers to Create Sustainable Leaders in Extension: The Odyssey of Leadership Development Lauren Griffeth and Joel Burnsed
The ins and outs of language translation and interpretation of program resources Regina McGoff, Annalisa Hultberg, and Stephen A. Kells
Increasing Wildfire Preparedness Through Defensible Space Training for the Private Sector Christina Restaino and Spencer Eusden
Extension Education for Real Estate Professionals: Teaching Regulations and Sharing Resources That Protect Water Quality and Property Values Linda Patterson, Shari Halik, and Kristine F. Stepenuck
Extension E-Learning Meets Instructional Design Joan S. York
Paper Origami for Program Development and Evaluation Training of New Extension Employees Ayanava Majumdar
Research verification is effective for Extension programs in aquaculture Luke A. Roy, Anita M. Kelly, Terry R. Hanson, Larry Dorman, Matthew Recsetar, and Herbert Quintero
Welcome to the new frontier: Introducing Extension to the next generation of conservation planning tools Emma E. Bravard, Emily K. Zimmerman, John C. Tyndall, and David James
Strategies for LGBTQ+ Inclusivity among Elementary School Aged Youths in Extension Maru Gonzalez, Michael Kokozos, and Sudha Sankar
Submitting an article to JOE is easy. There are five different ways that you can share information including a feature article, research in brief, ideas at work, tools of the trade, and commentary. Learn more at https://tigerprints.clemson.edu/joe/